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in Congress Assembled
November 5, 1781 to November 4, 1782
Copyright © Stan Klos, President Who? Forgotten Founders 2004 & 2008
Students and Teachers of US History this is a video of Stanley and Christopher Klos presenting America's Four United Republics Curriculum at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. The December 2015 video was an impromptu capture by a member of the audience of Penn students, professors and guests that numbered about 200. -- Download Curriculum Here
March 1, 1781 to March 3, 1789
March 1, 1781 | July 6, 1781 | |
July 10, 1781 | Declined Office | |
July 10, 1781 | November 4, 1781 | |
November 5, 1781 | November 3, 1782 | |
November 4, 1782 | November 2, 1783 | |
November 3, 1783 | June 3, 1784 | |
November 30, 1784 | November 22, 1785 | |
November 23, 1785 | June 5, 1786 | |
June 6, 1786 | February 1, 1787 | |
February 2, 1787 | January 21, 1788 | |
January 22, 1788 | January 21, 1789 |
United Colonies Continental Congress | President | 18th Century Term | Age |
Elizabeth "Betty" Harrison Randolph (1745-1783) | 09/05/74 – 10/22/74 | 29 | |
Mary Williams Middleton (1741- 1761) Deceased | Henry Middleton | 10/22–26/74 | n/a |
Elizabeth "Betty" Harrison Randolph (1745–1783) | 05/20/ 75 - 05/24/75 | 30 | |
Dorothy Quincy Hancock Scott (1747-1830) | 05/25/75 – 07/01/76 | 28 | |
United States Continental Congress | President | Term | Age |
Dorothy Quincy Hancock Scott (1747-1830) | 07/02/76 – 10/29/77 | 29 | |
Eleanor Ball Laurens (1731- 1770) Deceased | Henry Laurens | 11/01/77 – 12/09/78 | n/a |
Sarah Livingston Jay (1756-1802) | 12/ 10/78 – 09/28/78 | 21 | |
Martha Huntington (1738/39–1794) | 09/29/79 – 02/28/81 | 41 | |
United States in Congress Assembled | President | Term | Age |
Martha Huntington (1738/39–1794) | 03/01/81 – 07/06/81 | 42 | |
Sarah Armitage McKean (1756-1820) | 07/10/81 – 11/04/81 | 25 | |
Jane Contee Hanson (1726-1812) | 11/05/81 - 11/03/82 | 55 | |
Hannah Stockton Boudinot (1736-1808) | 11/03/82 - 11/02/83 | 46 | |
Sarah Morris Mifflin (1747-1790) | 11/03/83 - 11/02/84 | 36 | |
Anne Gaskins Pinkard Lee (1738-1796) | 11/20/84 - 11/19/85 | 46 | |
Dorothy Quincy Hancock Scott (1747-1830) | 11/23/85 – 06/06/86 | 38 | |
Rebecca Call Gorham (1744-1812) | 06/06/86 - 02/01/87 | 42 | |
Phoebe Bayard St. Clair (1743-1818) | 02/02/87 - 01/21/88 | 43 | |
Christina Stuart Griffin (1751-1807) | 01/22/88 - 01/29/89 | 36 |
John Hanson of Maryland was elected as the third President of the United States in Congress Assembled on November 5, 1781, serving a one-year term until November 3, 1782. Contrary to some claims, he was neither the first President of the United States nor the United States in Congress Assembled.
Born at Mulberry Grove, near Port Tobacco in Charles County, Maryland, on April 3, 1721, Hanson's birth date predates the British Empire’s adoption of the Gregorian calendar, which adjusts his birth to April 14, 1721 (as documented by Dr. Edward Papenfuse in Hanson’s biography). His parents, Samuel Hanson (1685-1740) and Elizabeth Story Hanson (ca. 1688-1764), were prominent in the community. Samuel Hanson was a successful farmer with over 1,000 acres and held several political positions, including two terms in the Maryland General Assembly. Debate persists around John Hanson’s ancestry, with some suggesting he was of Swedish royal descent [1] and others positing he was a Black Moor [2], though there is little evidence supporting either claim.
Hanson received a typical colonial education and, like many in his family, turned to farming. In 1743, he married Jane Contee, a French Huguenot from the Maryland colony. Her family had originally fled France for England during the reign of Louis XIV before settling in Maryland. The couple had eight children, including three sons—Alexander Contee Hanson [3], Peter Contee Hanson [4], and Samuel Contee Hanson [5]—who would all serve as officers in the Continental Army.
Hanson’s political career began in 1750, when he was appointed sheriff of Charles County, a role he held until 1753. In 1757, he won his first election to a one-year term in the Maryland Assembly [6], a body where he would serve nine terms over the years. His involvement in the revolutionary movement traces back to 1765 when he chaired the committee that formulated instructions for Maryland’s delegates to the Stamp Act Congress. As a leading figure in the Association of Maryland Freeman, Hanson protested the Townshend Acts and, in 1769, signed a non-importation resolution that boycotted British goods until the repeal of these acts on April 12, 1770.
In 1769, Hanson resigned from the Maryland Assembly when he was appointed Deputy Surveyor of Frederick County, which then encompassed all of western Maryland. The position required him to sell his Charles County farm and relocate his family to Frederick Town on 108 W. Patrick Street. Established in 1745, Frederick Town was on the edge of the Maryland frontier and had become a vital communication hub for western settlers. As Deputy Surveyor, Hanson managed land transactions across Western Maryland, a demanding role that involved extensive travel through the undeveloped wilderness as new settlements took shape.
In 1772, Dr. Philip Thomas [7], a future friend and business partner, built a home at 110 W. Patrick Street, next to Hanson’s residence. A year later, Thomas married Hanson’s eldest daughter, Jane, cementing a familial and professional bond between the two men. Hanson was active in his new community as well, holding several key positions, including Chairman of the Committee of Observation [8] and Treasurer of Frederick County [9].
On July 25, 1775, the Association of Maryland Freeman issued a declaration in solidarity with Massachusetts and other colonies resisting British oppression. John Hanson was among the notable signatories of this declaration, underscoring his commitment to the colonial cause and his prominent role in Maryland’s early revolutionary efforts.
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National Collegiate Honor’s Council Partners in the Park Class of 2017 Students at the 2nd Bank of the United States under the portrait of USCA President Samuel Huntington. Sydney is holding-up a Revolutionary War–dated manuscript document signed as President of the Continental Congress, “Sam. Huntington,” May 16, 1780. This is a $6,000 pay order issued to Joseph Borden, commissioner of the Continental Loan Office of New Jersey for clothing. Chris is holding-up a document signed by James Lawrence, and cancelled by Oliver Ellsworth, Jr. for monies owed by the State of Connecticut to Huntington for his service as a delegate to congress and the nation. The note is dated March 11, 1781, which was the 11th day of the Huntington’s service as the first USCA President under the Articles of Confederation. On the verso is of this document is written "Number 1424 Certificate, Saml Huntington Dat 1 Feby, 1781, £ 11-9-4" with a second signature “Saml Huntington.” President Samuel Huntington was the first President to serve under the Articles of Confederation, not John Hanson. – For more information visit our National Park and NCHC Partners in the Park Class of 2017 website |
Delegate John Hanson arrived at the Continental Congress during one of the most dire periods of the American Revolution. British forces had seized the southern ports of Savannah and Charleston, Benedict Arnold had defected to the British, General Gates—previously celebrated as the hero of Saratoga—had suffered a crushing defeat at Camden, and Washington’s troops were experiencing widespread mutiny. The revolutionary cause was in a precarious state.
Your favour by the last post, I am much obliged to you for. I am very Sorry to be informed, that the principal object of the meeting of the General Assembly has not yet been taken into Consideration, I mean that of procuring Men and Supplies for the Army; yet from the good Opinion I entertain of the present leading Members of each House, I flatter myself everything of importance Will be Attended to, before you rise. The Trustees having protested our Bills Will be favorable to the Views of those who are for Confiscation.Immediately on the receipt of your letter, Which was late this afternoon, I went to Mr. Morris's to make the enquiry you desired me, but Mr. Morris was too ill to be Spoke With, Which prevents my giving you the information you Want, at present.Advices from Spain and France of the 25th September, and 15th October say, that General Clinton had requested to be recalled, unless a reinforcement of 10,000 men, was immediately Sent him-that a vessel had Sailed from England, With dispatches Containing assurances, that the King entirely Approved of His Conduct-that he Should be Aided With all the Supplies in their power, And that orders were given for raising Nine regiments of foot, And one of Horse, to be Sent out Early in the spring. That nine Sail of the line and a number of Transports, With 4000 Troops, would Sail from Brest in a day or two, destined to reinforce Admiral Ternay. The King of Spain is much pleased With the Resolution of Congress, permitting the Exportation of flour for the use of His fleets and Armies, in the West Indies, and desired that his thanks might be Conveyed to Congress, for Such a proof of their friendly disposition, And the Minister gave the strongest Assurances, that his majesty Would never Consent to a pacification With England which did not include the Interest of America.Measures for Sending Commissioners from G B to treat with Congress, is under Consideration of the Privy Council, And it is thought would be adopted. Mr. Cumbaland Still remains at Madrid-the Abbe Hussey, his Coadjutor has received A Passport to go to Lisbon, and from thence to London, and return With the Ultimatum of that Court. (Is it not something mysterious that a Secretary to Lord George Germain one of the King of G B Ministers Should be permitted to reside at the Court of His most Christian Majesty in time of war?). England hath not yet completed her last years Loan. All the powers will find it difficult to procure money to carry on the War. France hath already begun to Tax, and it is probable must Continue to do so. The great Neutral powers of Europe Seem to regard the present War, as an Event favorable to the Augmentation of their Commerce, and Will probably do so until one or other of the Contending parties, appear to have a decided Superiority. Portugal it is Said Seems better disposed to the Allies than heretofore.The Combined fleet at Cadiz, Consists of 45 Sail of the line besides frigates &c-the Count D’ Estaing Commands the French part of the Fleet, and the Whole was ready to put to Sea. Mr. Laurence was taken on his passage to Holland and Conveyed to London, and is committed to the Tower on a Charge of High Treason. The Main Army is gone into Winter Quarters. My Compliments to Mr. Carroll and the Ladies … It would give me great pleasure to see you here.[13]
"We are convinced policy and justice require that a country unsettled at the commencement of this war, claimed by the British Crown, and ceded to it by the treaty of Paris, if wrested from the common enemy by the blood and the treasure of the 13 States, should be considered as a common property, subject to be parceled out by Congress into free, convenient, and independent governments, in such manner and at such times as the wisdom of that assembly shall hereafter direct." [15]
Congress took into consideration the report of the committee to whom were referred the instructions of the general assembly of Maryland to their delegates in Congress, respecting the Articles of Confederation… [16]
Resolved, That the unappropriated lands… shall be granted and disposed of for the common benefit of all the United States… formed into distinct republican states… and have the same rights of sovereignty, freedom, and independence as the other states… [17]
The president of Congress has promised to send by this post a copy of a recent law passed in Connecticut, respecting a cession of some part of the backlands. We have had nothing from Virginia or any other state on that subject. [18]
On the first day of my appearing in Congress, I delivered the Act empowering the Delegates of Maryland to Subscribe the Articles of Confederation &c.! It was read, & entered on the Journals. [23]
John Hanson, the second Maryland delegate authorized to ratify the Articles of Confederation, arrived in Philadelphia two days after Maryland's official ratification. According to Article V of the Articles of Confederation, “…the United States delegates shall be annually appointed in such manner as the legislatures of each State shall direct, to meet in Congress on the first Monday in November, in every year.” However, with Maryland’s ratification, all congressional delegates were now duly appointed, and Congress, having awaited Maryland’s decision since the 12th state ratified in February 1779, chose not to delay the formal establishment of the “Perpetual Union” confederation until the November 5, 1781, meeting date.
On February 22, 1781, Congress unanimously resolved:
"The delegates of Maryland having taken their seats in Congress with powers to sign the Articles of Confederation: Ordered, That Thursday next [March 1, 1781] be assigned for completing the Confederation; and that a committee of three be appointed, to consider and report a mode for announcing the same to the public: the members, [Mr. George] Walton, Mr. [James] Madison, Mr. [John] Mathews."
This resolution set March 1, 1781, as the official date to finalize and announce the formation of the Confederation, formally bringing the Articles of Confederation into effect and uniting the states under the new framework.
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Journals of Congress showing Maryland's Delegates Articles of Confederation March 1, 1781 ratification Historic.us Collection |
Session Dates
USCA Convene Date
11-05-1780 to 11-04-1781*
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11-05-1781 to 11-03-1782
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11-04-1782 to 11-02-1783
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11-03-1783 to 10-31-1784
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11-01-1784 to 11-06-1785
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11-07-1785 to 11-05-1786
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11-06-1786 to 11-04-1787
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11-05-1787 to 11-02-1788
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11-03-1788 to 03-03-1789**
On March 2, 1781, the newly established United States in Congress Assembled (USCA) convened, marking the official inauguration of the United States government under the Articles of Confederation. Samuel Huntington presided as the first president of this newly constituted government. Secretary Charles Thomson opened the new journal by prominently writing “The United States in Congress Assembled” at the top of the first page, symbolizing the formal birth of the United States as a unified entity.
This moment represented the culmination of a long journey: the United States of America, first conceived through the resolution for independence on July 2, 1776, proclaimed to the world on July 4, and redefined by the Articles on November 15, 1777, had finally been constitutionally established on March 1, 1781, with Maryland’s ratification. The USCA journal records this historic shift, affirming the creation of a unified nation under the Articles of Confederation.
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USCA Journals 1781 printing for March 2nd showing name change and Samuel Huntington appearing as President - Stan Klos Collection |
Delaware delegate Thomas Rodney detailed this conundrum in his diary entry from March 2, 1781:
“The States of New Hampshire and Rhode Island having each but one Member in Congress, they became unrepresented by the Confirmation of the Confederation-By which not more than Seven nor less than two members is allowed to represent any State -Whereupon General Sullivan, Delegate from New Hampshire moved - That Congress would appoint a Committee of the States, and Adjourn till those States Could Send forward a Sufficient number of Delegates to represent them-Or that they would allow their Delegates now in Congress To give the Vote of the States until one More from each of those States was Sent to Congress to Make their representation Complete.
He alleged that it was but just for Congress to do one or the other of them-for that the act of Congress by completing the Confederation ought not to deprive those States of their representation without giving them due notice, as their representation was complete before, & that they did not know when the Confederation would be completed. Therefore if the Confederation put it out of the power of Congress to allow the States vote in Congress because there was but one member from each them, they ought in justice to those States to appoint a Committee of the States, in which they would have an Equal Voice. This motion was seconded by Genl. Vernon from Rhode Island and enforced by arguments to the same purpose.
But all their arguments were ably confuted by Mr. Burke of N.C. and others, and the absurdity of the motion fully pointed out, So that the question passed off without a Division. But it was the general opinion of Congress that those members might continue to sit in Congress, and debate & serve on Committees though they could not give the vote of their States. ”
In response, General John Sullivan, the New Hampshire delegate, proposed a temporary solution. He suggested that Congress either appoint a Committee of the States and adjourn until both states could send additional delegates or permit the current single delegates from New Hampshire and Rhode Island to cast votes until their full delegations arrived. Sullivan argued it would be unfair to deny these states representation without notice, as both delegations had been complete under the Continental Congress structure.
Sullivan’s motion was seconded by General Vernon of Rhode Island and supported by similar arguments. However, delegates like Mr. Burke from North Carolina countered the proposal, highlighting its impracticality and the inconsistency it would introduce. Ultimately, the motion did not proceed to a formal vote, and Congress resolved that while the single delegates from New Hampshire and Rhode Island could participate in debates and serve on committees, they could not vote until their states met the minimum delegate requirement.
With the Articles of Confederation now fully in force, the rule requiring at least two delegates for a state’s vote became binding, a marked shift from the previous Continental Congress structure where single delegates could vote on behalf of their states.
Meanwhile, John Hanson’s correspondence dwindled after the Articles’ ratification, reflecting his frustration with the worsening economic conditions. The United States was plagued by severe hyperinflation, with national debt reaching $200 million in 1780. President Samuel Huntington had recognized the dire need for stabilizing the currency, asserting that a “standard for the currency” was essential to address America’s financial woes. By early 1780, the dollar’s value had plummeted, with exchange rates in some areas reaching 50 U.S. dollars to one Spanish silver dollar. On March 18, 1780, the Continental Congress, forced by economic reality, enacted a resolution that effectively devalued the dollar by abandoning its original one-to-one exchange promise. The new standard set the exchange at 40 U.S. dollars per one Spanish Milled Dollar, further exacerbating the country’s inflation crisis.
according to a Resolution of Congress passed at Philadelphia November 29, 1775.”
U.S. Dollars
Spanish Milled Silver Dollar
May 10, 1775
March 1, 1778
September 1, 1778
March 1, 1779
September 1, 1779
March 18, 1780
In light of these economic strains, John Hanson corresponded with Maryland’s Governor on April 2, 1781, requesting additional funds due to the drastic exchange rates and adding a note on recent military events:
"Mr. Carroll and I wrote to your Excellency and the Honorable Council by last post, requesting a supply of one thousand dollars each of the new Emission, but at the present exchange, I find that sum will be insufficient... The exchange between gold and silver, and the emissions of the 18th March, issued by the State of Maryland, is as 40 to 140, so that one silver dollar is equal to three and a half. I must therefore request that my sum may be increased to fifteen hundred dollars for which I will be accountable at the exchange that may be settled by the state.
The Marquis de Lafayette writes from Williamsburg... [that] the whole British fleet put out to sea on the morning of the 24th and returned again with a number of transports (supposed to be from New York) on the 25th—it is said these transports had 2000 troops on board. These joined with the army under Arnold, and it is feared they will do great mischief. I have enclosed a handbill containing an account of the action of the 15th and of the killed, wounded, and missing of the Continentals..."【23】
On April 10, Hanson expressed his gratitude to his son-in-law, Dr. Phillip Thomas, for a financial loan and updated him on family matters, particularly his wife and daughter’s declining health:
"Janey and Tammy’s state of health and the distressed and perplexed situation Mrs. Hanson is in, left alone a prey to melancholy and despair, destroys my peace of mind and renders me truly miserable. Should have left this place last week but since the ratification of the Confederation nine states are required to make a Congress. Four are unrepresented, and my withdrawing would leave a number insufficient to transact business which at this critical juncture would perhaps be thought unpardonable however I hope to get away by Thursday next... What you have directed shall be purchased"【24】.
Hanson returned to Maryland later that April to be with his daughter Jane, whose health continued to decline, and who passed away later that summer. Hanson resumed his duties with the USCA on September 24, 1781. His partnership and friendship with his son-in-law, Dr. Thomas, remained strong, as evidenced by their ongoing correspondence during the 1781 session.
While Hanson was in Maryland, the USCA adopted a significant procedural overhaul on May 4, 1781, after extensive committee work and final debate. Thirty-five new rules were established to guide Congress under the Articles of Confederation, significantly diminishing the president’s influence over the legislative agenda. No longer could the president control when and what matters came before Congress, leaving the office with primarily administrative duties. In light of these changes, President Samuel Huntington resigned, and on July 8, 1781, Delaware Delegate Thomas McKean candidly wrote to Samuel Adams regarding the upcoming election: “This honor is going a begging; there is only one Gentleman, and he from the Southward, who seems willing to accept, but I question whether he will be elected".
Rules for Conducting Business in the United States in Congress Assembled. May 4th, 1781
1. As soon as seven states are met the President may assume the chair, upon which the members shall take their seats.
2. The minutes of the preceding day shall then be read, and after that the public letters, petitions and memorials, if any have been received or presented.
3. Every letter, petition or memorial read, on which no order is moved, shall of course be considered as ordered to lie on the table, and may be taken up at any future time.
4. After the public dispatches, &c., the reports of committees which may have been delivered by them to the secretary during that morning or the preceding day shall, for the information of the house, be read in the order in which they were delivered, and, if it is judged proper, a day be assigned for considering them.
5. After the public letters, &c., are read, and orders given concerning them, the reports of the Board of Treasury and of the Board of War, if any, shall be taken into consideration; but none of those subjects for the determination of which the assent of nine states is requisite shall be agitated or debated, except when nine states or more are assembled. When a doubt is raised whether any motion or question is of the number of those for the determination of which in the affirmative the articles of confederation require the assent of nine states, the votes and assent of nine states shall always be necessary to solve that doubt, and to determine upon such motions or questions.
6. When a report, which has been read and lies for consideration, is called for it shall immediately be taken up. If two or more are called for, the titles of the several reports shall be read, and then the President shall put the question beginning with the first called for, but there shall be no debate, and the votes of a majority of the states present shall determine which is to be taken up.
7. An order of the day, when called for by a State shall always have the preference and shall not be postponed but by the votes of a majority of the United States in Congress assembled.
8. When a report is brought forward for consideration it shall first be read over and then debated by paragraphs and each paragraph shall be subject to amendments. If it relates only to one subject being in the nature of an ordinance it shall be subject to such additions as may be judged proper to render it complete and then it shall be read over as it stands amended and a question taken upon the whole: But if it comprehends different subjects, independent one of another, in the form of distinct acts or resolutions a question shall be taken on each and finally a question on the whole.
9. No motion shall be received unless it be made or Negatived, seconded by a state. When any ordinance is introduced by report or otherwise, it shall be read a first time for the information of the house without debate. The President shall then put the following question "Shall this ordinance be read a second time." If it passes in the affirmative then a time shall be appointed for that purpose when it shall be read and debated by paragraphs and when gone through, the question shall be "Shall this ordinance be read a third time"; if agreed to, and a time appointed, it shall be accordingly read by paragraphs, and if necessary debated, and when gone through the question shall be "Shall this ordinance pass", if the vote is in the affirmative, a fair copy shall then be made out by the Secretary, either on parchment or paper and signed by the President and attested by the Secretary in Congress and recorded in the Secretary's office.
10. When a motion is made and seconded it shall be repeated by the President or If he or any other member desire being in writing it shall be delivered to the President in writing and read aloud at the table before it, shall be debated.
11. Every motion shall be reduced to writing and read at the table before it is debated if the President or any member require it.
12. After a motion is repeated by the President or read at the table it shall then be in the possession of the house, but may at any time before decision, be withdrawn, with the consent of a majority of the states present.
13. No member shall speak more than twice in any one debate on the same day, with-out leave of the house, nor shall any member speak twice in a debate until every member, who chooses, shall have spoken once on the same.
14. Before an original motion shall be brought before the house, it shall be entered in a book to be kept for the purpose and to lie on the table for the inspection of the members, and the time shall be mentioned underneath when the motion is to be made, that the members may some prepared and nothing he brought on hastily or by surprise.
15. When a question is before the house and under debate, no motion shall be received unless for amending it, for the previous question, or to postpone the consideration of the main question or to commit it.
16. No new motion or proposition shall be admitted under color of amendment as a substitute for the question or proposition under debate until it is postponed or disagreed to.
17. When a motion is made to amend by striking out certain words, whether for the purpose of inserting other words or not, the first question shall be "Shall the words moved to be struck out stand?"
18. The previous question (which is always to be understood in this sense that the main question be not now put) shall only be admitted when in the judgment of two states at least, the subject moved is in its nature or from the circumstances of time or place improper to be debated or decided, and shall therefore preclude all amendments and farther debates on the subject, until it is decided.
19. A motion for commitment shall also have preference and preclude all amendments and debates on the subject until it shall be decided.
20. On motions for the previous question for committing or for postponing no member shall speak more than once without leave of the house.
21. When any subject shall be deemed so important as to require mature discussionor deliberation before it be submitted to the decision of the United States in Congress assembled, it shall be referred to the consideration of a grand committee consisting of one member present from each State, and in such case each State shall nominate its member. But the United States in Congress assembled shall in no case whatever be resolved into a committee of the whole. Every member may attend the debates of a grand committee and for that purpose the time and place of its meeting shall be fixed by the United States in Congress assembled.
22. The states shall ballot for small committees, but if upon counting the ballots, the number required shall not be elected by a majority of the United States in Congress assembled, the President shall name the members who have been balloted for, and the house shall by a vote or votes determine the committee.
23. If a question under debate contains several points any member may have it divided.
24. When a question is about to be put, it shall be in the power of any one of the states to postpone the determination thereof until the next day, and in such case, unless it shall be further postponed by order of the house the question shall, the next day immediately after reading the public dispatches, &c. and before the house go upon other business, be put without any debate, provided there be a sufficient number of states present to determine it; if that should not be the case, it shall be put without debate as soon as a sufficient number shall have assembled.
25. If any member choose to have the yeas and nays taken upon any question, he shall move for the same previous to the President's putting the question and in such case every member present shall openly and without debate declare by ay or no his assent or dissent to the question.
26. When an ordinance act or resolution is introduced with a preamble, the ordinance, act or resolution shall be first debated, and after it is passed, the preamble if judged necessary shall be adapted thereto: But if the preamble states some matter or thing as fact to which the house do not agree by general consent, and the ordinance, act or resolution is grounded thereon, the preamble shall be withdrawn or the fact resolved on as it appears to the house previous to any debate on the ordinance act or resolution; and if the fact shall not be established to the satisfaction of a majority of the United States in Congress assembled, the ordinance, act or resolution shall fall of course.
27. Every member when he chooses to speak shall rise and address the President. When two members chance to rise at the same time, the President shall name the person who is to speak first. Every member both in debate, and while the states are assembled shall conduct himself with the utmost decency and decorum. If any member shall transgress, the President shall call to order. In case the disorder be continued or repeated the President may name the person transgressing. Any member may call to order.
28. When a member is called to order, he shall immediately sit down. If he has been named as a transgressor, his conduct shall be inquired into and he shall be liable to a censure.
29. When a question of order is moved, the President if he is in doubt may call for the judgment of the house, otherwise he shall in the first instance give a decision, and an appeal shall lie to the house, but there shall be no debate on questions of order,except that a member called to order for irregular or unbecoming conduct or for improper expressions may be allowed to explain.
30. A motion to adjourn may be made at any time and shall always be in order, and the question thereon shall always be put without any debate.
31. No member shall leave Congress without permission of Congress or of his constituents.
32. No member shall read any printed paper in the house during the sitting thereof.
33. On every Monday after reading and taking order on the public dispatches a committee of three shall be appointed, who shall every morning during the week report to Congress the orders necessary to be made on such dispatches as may be received during the adjournment or sitting of Congress, upon which no orders shall have been made. The members of such Committee not to be eligible a second time until all the other members have served.
34. The habit of a member of Congress in future shall be a plain purple gown with open-sleeves, plaited at the bend of the arm. And that no member be allowed to sit in Congress without such habit.
35. The members of each state shall sit together in Congress, for the more ready conference with each other on any question above be taken that the house might not be disturbed by the members moving Postponed. from one part to another to conferone the vote to be given. That for the better observance of order, New Hampshire shall sit on the left hand of the President and on every question be first called, and each state from thence to Georgia shall take their seats in the order that their states are situated to each other. The delegates of the respective states to sit in their order of seniority.
The restructuring of the USCA presidency reduced the role to that of a largely passive chair, devoid of agenda-setting powers. Unlike the Continental Congress presidents, who held significant influence over proceedings, the USCA president was merely one of 18 delegates (a minimum of two from each of the nine states required to vote on key issues). Under the new rules, the president had no control over the legislative agenda, lacked authority over mail (previously, Continental Congress presidents received correspondence first and determined what to present), and could not convene Congress with minimal representation—requiring at least two delegates per state for a quorum. In contrast, the Continental Congress president could preside with only one delegate per state from seven states, making decisions as a voting delegate when crucial war legislation arose. With the USCA’s reforms, Huntington briefly enjoyed a three-month reprieve from the new rules, but his successors were bound to preside without such authority.
Primary sources and the USCA Journals detail that Samuel Huntington’s service as the first president under the Articles of Confederation was followed by two presidential elections prior to John Hanson’s term. Huntington’s resignation led to the first presidential election under the Articles on July 9, 1781, with North Carolina Delegate Samuel Johnston elected as his successor. However, Johnston declined the office the following day.
The handwritten July 9, 1781, entry in the USCA Journals confirms that, despite his refusal, Johnston’s election passed, making him technically the USCA president, if only briefly, until his formal refusal the next day. This procedural nuance meant Johnston was effectively the president for a single day, adding a unique footnote to the early history of the USCA presidency.
Mr. [Samuel] Johnston having declined to accept the office of President, and offered such reasons as were satisfactory, the House proceeded to another election; and, the ballots being taken, the Hon. Thomas McKean was elected. [17]
President Thomas McKean, following Samuel Huntington, actively fulfilled the duties of the USCA presidency under the Articles of Confederation, signing various resolutions, proclamations, and letters as the second president to serve under the Articles. His tenure, like Huntington’s, involved guiding Congress through pressing legislative matters, albeit with the limited powers allocated to the presidency under the new framework.
The September 7, 1781, entry in the USCA Journals features McKean's signature on a resolution, underscoring his official role in executing congressional actions and embodying the administrative, though more constrained, function of the presidency in the post-ratification period of the Articles. This entry illustrates McKean’s active engagement within the limited framework of the USCA presidency, a role that emphasized formal legislative administration over executive authority.
"General Washington has been on a Visit to Count de Grasse, on board his Ship the Ville de Paris at Cape Henry. He returned to Williamsburg the 23d Ult. He says he found the French Admiral disposed in the best manner, to give us all the assistance in his power, and perfectly to Cooperate with him in our present Attempt on Lord Cornwallis, and hopes to be before the Enemies Works in a few days. Our Vessels from the Head of Elk, are all Arrived, and were debarking the Troops and stores, except a few, which were hourly Expected, their not having Arrived, is Accounted for from the Dullness of their Sailing. Every account from N York Confirms that of the Enemies having Suffered greatly in their late Engagement with Count de Grasse. That Admiral’s Account of it is very Short, and Modest. He Acquaints the Minister, that the British fleet having Appeared off the Capes, He immediately went out to meet them, Attacked their Van (which was treated very roughly) drove them off and then returned into Chesapeake; that he took two frigates in the Bay, which had been Sent in to Cut the Boyes from His Cables. The Defeat of the British fleet is a most Glorious and fortunate Event, as it will Effectually prevent Any Succors being Sent to Cornwallis, whose fate from present Appearances I think is inevitable. God grant the Business may be Speedily Effected, that we may have time in Conjunction with the French fleet to Act Elsewhere before the winter season Comes on. On the return of the British fleet to N York, the Troops that were embarked for the Southward landed on Staten Island on Account of Sickness, where they Still are."【25】
Later in October, with his re-election still uncertain, Hanson responded to Governor Lee’s request for ongoing updates:
"My Stay here is uncertain; it depends upon the next Election of Delegates to Congress, and in these Cases you Know, no great reliance is to be put in popular assemblies, but be assured while I Continue, I Shall take great pleasure in Communicating whatever I think may Merit your Attention."【26】
Following the news of Cornwallis’s surrender, Hanson wrote to his son-in-law Philip Thomas on October 23, 1781, expressing his excitement:
"I Congratulate you most sincerely on the Surrender of Lord Cornwallis to Gen. Washington, of which most important Event, we have information by a Letter from the Count de Grasse dated the 18th to Governor Lee and by him forwarded to the President of Congress by Express. The particulars we expect to receive from General Washington in two or three days."
Thomas had played a significant role in supporting the Continental Army by organizing and delivering essential supplies from the Frederick County militia throughout the war, including shipments to Washington’s forces at Yorktown.
On November 3, 1781, Thomas McKean presided over the USCA for the last time. In this final session, the members resolved “that the several matters now before Congress be referred over, and recommended to the attention of the United States in Congress assembled, to meet at this place on Monday next.” This transition signaled the formal end of McKean's presidency as the assembly prepared to reconvene under new leadership the following Monday.
For students and teachers of U.S. history, this video features Stanley and Christopher Klos presenting America's Four United Republics Curriculum at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. Filmed in December 2015, this video is an informal recording by an audience member capturing a presentation attended by approximately 200 students, professors, and guests. To explore the full curriculum, [download it here].
September 5, 1774 | October 22, 1774 | |
October 22, 1774 | October 26, 1774 | |
May 20, 1775 | May 24, 1775 | |
May 25, 1775 | July 1, 1776 |
July 2, 1776 to February 28, 1781
July 2, 1776 | October 29, 1777 | |
November 1, 1777 | December 9, 1778 | |
December 10, 1778 | September 28, 1779 | |
September 29, 1779 | February 28, 1781 |
March 1, 1781 to March 3, 1789
March 1, 1781 | July 6, 1781 | |
July 10, 1781 | Declined Office | |
July 10, 1781 | November 4, 1781 | |
November 5, 1781 | November 3, 1782 | |
November 4, 1782 | November 2, 1783 | |
November 3, 1783 | June 3, 1784 | |
November 30, 1784 | November 22, 1785 | |
November 23, 1785 | June 5, 1786 | |
June 6, 1786 | February 1, 1787 | |
February 2, 1787 | January 21, 1788 | |
January 22, 1788 | January 21, 1789 |
United States in Congress Assembled (USCA) Sessions
USCA | Session Dates | USCA Convene Date | President(s) |
First | 03-01-1781 to 11-04-1781* | 03-02-1781 | |
Second | 11-05-1781 to 11-03-1782 | 11-05-1781 | |
Third | 11-04-1782 to 11-02-1783 | 11-04-1782 | |
Fourth | 11-03-1783 to 10-31-1784 | 11-03-1783 | |
Fifth | 11-01-1784 to 11-06-1785 | 11-29-1784 | |
Sixth | 11-07-1785 to 11-05-1786 | 11-23-1785 | |
Seventh | 11-06-1786 to 11-04-1787 | 02-02-1787 | |
Eighth | 11-05-1787 to 11-02-1788 | 01-21-1788 | |
Ninth | 11-03-1788 to 03-03-1789** | None | None |
* The Articles of Confederation was ratified by the mandated 13th State on February 2, 1781, and the dated adopted by the Continental Congress to commence the new United States in Congress Assembled government was March 1, 1781. The USCA convened under the Articles of Confederation Constitution on March 2, 1781.** On September 14, 1788, the Eighth United States in Congress Assembled resolved that March 4th, 1789, would be commencement date of the Constitution of 1787's federal government thus dissolving the USCA on March 3rd, 1789.
Philadelphia | Sept. 5, 1774 to Oct. 24, 1774 | |
Philadelphia | May 10, 1775 to Dec. 12, 1776 | |
Baltimore | Dec. 20, 1776 to Feb. 27, 1777 | |
Philadelphia | March 4, 1777 to Sept. 18, 1777 | |
Lancaster | September 27, 1777 | |
York | Sept. 30, 1777 to June 27, 1778 | |
Philadelphia | July 2, 1778 to June 21, 1783 | |
Princeton | June 30, 1783 to Nov. 4, 1783 | |
Annapolis | Nov. 26, 1783 to Aug. 19, 1784 | |
Trenton | Nov. 1, 1784 to Dec. 24, 1784 | |
New York City | Jan. 11, 1785 to Nov. 13, 1788 | |
New York City | October 6, 1788 to March 3,1789 | |
New York City | March 3,1789 to August 12, 1790 | |
Philadelphia | Dec. 6,1790 to May 14, 1800 | |
Washington DC | November 17,1800 to Present |
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